How Microsoft 365 Makes my life better
La pregunta que mas recibo de parte de ustedes es como me organizo en mi día a día.
Después de tener mis hijas a sido un gran reto organizarme y poder hacer que mis días rindan y poder aprovechar cada hora. Soy madre, tengo el blog, trabajo full time social media, mi hogar, mi esposo y mis días suelen ser intensos, pero que conveniente es poder tener la herramienta de Microsoft 365.
Comence a usar a usar Microsoft 365 y la verdad es life changing.
Dejame y te cuento primero que es Microsoft 365.
Microsoft 365 builds on the foundation of Microsoft Office by infusing new artificial intelligence (AI), rich content and templates, and cloud-powered experiences to empower you to become a better writer, presenter, designer, and manager of your finances, while deepening your connection to the people in your life. One of many great features of Microsoft 365 is the cloud. You can save photos, files and anything you make with Microsoft 365.
The most common question I get from you guys is how I organize myself in my everyday life.
After having my daughters, it's been a great challenge to stay organized and take advantage of every hour. I'm a mom, I have a blog, a full-time job on social media, my home, my husband, and my days are usually just pretty intense. However, it's so convenient that I get to use the tools from Microsoft 365.
I began to use Microsoft 365, and truth be told, it's life changing.
Let me first explain what Microsoft 365 is.
Microsoft 365 builds on the foundation of Microsoft Office by infusing new artificial intelligence (AI), rich content and templates, and cloud-powered experiences to empower you to become a better writer, presenter, designer, and manager of your finances, while deepening your connection to the people in your life. One of many great features of Microsoft 365 is the cloud. You can save photos, files and anything you make with Microsoft 365.
Templates es una de mis herramientas favoritas de Microsoft 365.
Te imaginas un lugar donde tengas templates ya listos co o por ejemplo: de tu daily Schedule, Credit Card Pay off Calculator, Weekly Assignment Schedule, Mortgage Loan calculator, Invoice, Annual Financial Report, Calendar, Time sheet, Christmas Gift list, literalmente te hace los Dias tan faciles. Yo estoy enamorada del programa. Definitivamente lo hicieron pensando en ti y en mi.
Hoy me desperte me hice mi cafe y me senté use Templates y prepare mi Lista de Regalos de Navidad, prepare mi presupuesto y envié varias facturas a varios clientes y hasta prepare todo el itinerario de nuestro viaje a Mexico en navidad, todo esto desde un mismo lugar. Todo con Template. Todo con una sola herramienta.
Aca te dejo algunas imágenes de como uso Template, se que lo vas amar. !! Y lo mejor de todo es que tiene un precio módico y te aseguro que te ayudara hacer de tus días uno mas eficientes ya que ahorraras tiempo y esto te regalara lo mas importante poder pasar mas tiempo en familia.
Templates is one of my favorite tools from Microsoft 365.
Imagine having a place where you can have templates at the ready. For example: your daily Schedule, Credit Card Pay off Calculator, Weekly Assignment Schedule, Mortgage Loan calculator, Invoice, Annual Financial Report, Calendar, Time sheet, Christmas Gift list; literally makes your days much easier. I'm in love with this program. They definitely made it thinking of me.
Today I woke up, made myself some coffee, sat down and used Templates to prepare my list of Christmas gifts. I started my budget, and sent several invoices to various clients. I even prepared the entire itinerary of our trip to Mexico for Christmas! Everything done in the same place; everything with Template. Everything with a single tool.
Here are some images of how to use Template. I know you'll love it!! And the best part of it all is that it's at an affordable price. I can assure you that it'll help make your days more efficient, now that you will save some time and this will give you the most important thing; spending more time with family.