How did I pay off almost 170k in debts in 33 months

How did I pay off almost 170k in debts in 33 months? Well here is how I did it:
1- The MOST IMPORTANT THING is to do a LIST of ALL of your DEBTS from the lowest to greatest.
I made 3 identical lists; I put ONE in my closet, ANOTHER in the bathroom, and the LAST ONE in my room. You need to see these EVERYDAY , and get TIRED of living in debt. It's not cool to live in debt.
2- I made a super STRATEGIC plan and looked at my monthly budget. I saw which areas I needed to financially CUT THINGS OFF so that I could put that money towards paying off my debt. We literally created a PLAN OF ACTION.
3- We made SMALL PAYMENTS towards our debts (just a bit to each one), and we made HUGE payments towards out smallest debts. And little by little, we began paying them off.
4- My husband began doing several freelance jobs. Find a second job: babysitting tutoring hairstyling , selling clothes you don't us , etc. Try to find another income, MORE MONEY.
5- We had one day of the week where we would NOT SPEND MONEY. On that day, we would NOT eat out, buy coffee, or shop on Amazon.
6- We cancelled ALL ACCOUNTS AND MEMBERSHIPS that we were not using.
I invested in a great coffee making machine; it's been 3 years since then and we're always making coffee at home ( we've saved a ton of money)
7- We literally STOPPED eating out. I love eating at restaurants; eating makes me happy, mainly if it's in a beautiful place. Eating out is expensive here in California, and we were spending too much money on eating at restaurants.
8- SOMETHING MEGA IMPORTANT is the following: there is going to be that uncle, cousin, grandparent, or another family member that is DROWNING IN DEBT, and is an absolute MESS when it comes to FINANCES, who will have an opinion regarding your decision in being "debt free". Do not pay the slightest attention to those comments . Very few people have the CHARACTER and the SELF CONTROL to say "I will be free of debt". Everyone has that desire, but few are disciplined enough to reach that goal.
9- I took a scissor and I sat down and cut all of my credit cards into pieces. I would go to stores and I'd leave my credit cards in the car. I would only bring a few bucks with me( $40 o $50) and if I used up all that money, I was left with no other option but to not spend anymore money.
Como saldé casi 170 mil en deudas en 33 meses ? Bueno aquí les va lo que yo hize.
1- Lo MÁS IMPORTANTE has una lista de todas tus DEUDAS de menor a mayor, Yo hize 3 listas idénticas , una la puse en mi closet, otra en mi baño y una en mi habitación, necesitas verlas, todos los días, hartarme de vivir endeudada. No es cool vivir en deudas
2 - Hize un plan súper estratégico y mire mi budget mensual y vi en que áreas podía recortar Para ponerle ese dinero a la deuda. Literalmente creamos un plan de acción.
3- Hicimos pagos mínimos a todas las deudas ( bien poquito a cada una) y hacíamos pagos GRANDOTES a la deuda más pequeña y así hacíamos con cada una. Poco a poco las íbamos liquidando.
4- Mi esposo comenzó hacer muchos freelance jobs, si puedes buscar un segundo trabajo, cuidar niños, dar tutorías, arreglar cabello, vender ropa que ya no usas, etc pero trata de buscar una entrada adicional de dinero.
5- Teníamos un DÍA DE NO GASTAR todas las semanas. ( ese día no se come afuera, no se compra café afuera, no Amazon)
6- Cancelamos TODAS LAS CUENTAS Y MEMBRESIAS que no se usaban
7- Hize la inversión de una buena máquina de café y hace 3 años hacemos siempre hacemos el café en la casa. ( uf me ahorre un dineral )
8- Literalmente PARAMOS DE comer afuera. (Yo amo comer en restaurantes comer me hace feliz y más si es en citios lindos, acá en California comer fuera es bien Caro, estábamos gastando mucho dinero en restaurantes)
9- ALGO MEGA IMPORTANTE es lo siguiente: va a venir ese tío, prima, abuelo o familiar que esta mega ENDEUDADO y es un desastre en las finanzas a opinar sobre tu decisión de ser “ una persona libre de deudas” literalmente no hagas el mínimo caso, bien poca gente tiene el CARÁCTER y el DOMINIO PROPIO para decir seré LIBRE de deudas. Todos tienen el DESEO , pero pocos son DISCIPLINADOS para llegar a la meta.
10- Tome una TIJERA y me senté y corte en mil pedazos mis tarjetas de crédito. Iba a las tiendas y dejaba mi tarjeta en el carro. Bajaba sólo un poco de dinero y si ese dinero se acababa no había otra opción que no gastar más.