Ahhh...! Déjenme tomar un respirito antes de comenzar. Primero que todo búscate un cafecito o un té y ponte cómoda en tu sofá para que puedas leer un buen rato, quiero contarles una historia.
Hoy quiero contarles porque comenze el blog.....! Creo que desde que tengo uso de razón veía lo lindo en cada muñeca, los colores, las combinaciones , hasta como le pintaban los ojos aquellas Barbie's de los 90...! Se acuerdan ustedes ? Con sombra de ojos color azul y pintura de labios color rosa? Simplemente las amaba. Recuerdo cuando tenía 6 años mi mama me hizo el mejor regalo de la historia ( siiii el mejor) no se imaginaran lo que fue ...! Fue una bolsa color violeta llena de maquillaje, me imagino que aquellos que mami ya no quería, cuando tuve aquella bolsa en mis manos, mis ojitos brillaban , eso me cuenta mi papa, rápido puse a la marcha mis conocimientos de maquillaje, jajaja! Termine como un payasito! Llena de maquillaje por toda mi cara, cuello y manos. Y a la misma vez mi mamá cocía por horas casi todos los días, se hacía su propia ropa , ella misma cortaba patrones para hacer la ropa que veía en las revistas de Vogue y Cosmopolitan , siempre estaba intacta , pulida y muy bien vestida. Con ella vi el primer perfume Chanel , el perfecto color de labios rojo, la primera cartera Dior , una gaveta llena de aretes preciosos y los primeros highwaist pants con su diminuta cintura, parecía una guitarra sin temor a exagerar. Ella sin darse cuenta me inspiro de gran forma.
Crecí y a los 17 años mi segundo trabajo fue con una compañía llamada Elizabeth Arden, de allí aprendí muchísimo de cuidado personal , maquillaje y moda. Estaba fascinada con mi trabajo, me di cuenta que amaba ver a las mujeres , empoderadas, felices, hermosas y con una gran autoestima, termine siendo gerente de la tienda por 6 años , mientras terminaba mi carrera de psicología.
Bueno pero no me quiero desviar del tema, en el 2013 de momento me di cuenta que estaba compartiendo en mis redes sociales todo aquello que me parecía interesante para nosotras las mujeres. Moda, belleza , DIY , etc entonces de momento comenze a recibir mensajes de muchas de ustedes , para decirme que debía abrir un blog, Wao! Me quedé sorprendida, me lleno de alegría saber que estaba inspirando a más de una persona.
Mi esposo , mi mejor amigo , es un hombre brillante, no porque sea mi esposo, pero realmente es extremadamente creativo , trabaja en tecnología, hace aplicaciones para teléfonos , websites, logos y demás ! Un sábado, en la tarde, lo recuerdo como si hubiera sido ayer, hace 2 años y medio atrás se sentó y me dijo : Elisamar, tienes todo para hacer esto ...! Tienes mi apoyo y definitivamente te voy ayudar en todo !
Y si me emocioné mucho al saber que a el le emocionaba la idea, pero en ese entonces Luna mi hija mayor tenía solo 7 meses , mi prioridad siempre han sido mis hijas, entonces puse todo en pausa y luego llegó Camila, otra bebesita nueva en la casa, mas tiempo para ellas, menos tiempo para mí ( si eres mama, sabes de lo que hablo) ufff!
En este año 2017 , en Agosto una de ustedes, me envió un mensaje que me cambio la vida , fue muy inspirador y hablaba de lo que ha hecho en ella , ver las imagines de mi matrimonio , de mis hijitas y hasta de la ropa que uso a diario, me decía que entraba a mi instagram todos los días para tomar inspiración y arreglarse para el trabajo, WAO! Entonces en ese momento que me dije : Elisamar es tiempo de abrir tu espacio y poder ser tu y expresar tu sentir a través de las imagines y tus letras , es de aquí que nació Elisamar.com , está realmente soy yo. Es autentico. Es genuino. Es quien soy. Mi mayor deseo es inspirar a que cada mujer puede ser feliz, plena , independiente, hermosa, llena de vida y dar a si misma y a su familia lo mejor de lo mejor y muy importante que la vida no es perfecta, que en las redes sociales todo se ve "perfecto" y está muy lejos de la realidad y es esa es la razón por la que comenze con esta aventura. Disfruto mucho de esto y espero que disfrutes lo que estoy entregando. Gracias por apoyarme. Realmente significa mucho saber que te importa lo suficiente como para visitar mi blog o mi Instagram para ver lo que estamos creando mi esposo y yo con tanto amor para ustedes.
Agradezco a todos por su gran apoyo y todos esos mensajes llenos de amor que recibo siempre. USTEDES SON LAS MEJORES.
Ahhhh…! Deep breath! Get comfortable! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and relax on the sofa while I tell you a story. I want to share the story of why I started my blog.
Since I was a little girl, I remember admiring the beauty in each one of my dolls. I was very attracted to the colors, their clothing combinations, and even the makeup on some of those 1990 Barbies. Do you remember them?! Their makeup consisted of blue eye shadow and pink lipstick. I simply loved everything about them! that’s when i first started noticing makeup I remember when I was six years old, my mother gave me the best gift ever (yes, the best ever). You would not even imagine what it was… It was a purple bag filled with makeup; I think makeup my mother no longer wanted. When I opened the bag, my eyes lit up! At least that is what my father tells me. I quickly put in practice my “makeup expertise” and performed my first makeup application on myself. As you can imagine I looked pretty much like a little clown. I had makeup all over my face, neck and hands. I had fun nonetheless. Around that same period in my life, while i was experimenting with makeup and my mind and creativity was developing, I also started to notice other things that really attracted me. I recall seeing my mother sawing for hours on a daily basis. She used to make her own clothes. She would make her own clothing pattern to imitate clothes she had seen in magazines like Vogue and Cosmopolitan. She was always sharp, polished and well put together. As you can see, i’ve been exposed and attracted to everything related to beauty from an early age. With my mother i learned and got to experience a lot. And as I continued to explore my mother’s things and in true fashion for a six years old girl, I came across what in my eyes seemed like a treasure chest. When snooping around in her closet, I opened one her drawers and it was filled with someone the most beautiful earrings i had ever seen. In that closet I also saw, for the first time, a Chanel Perfume; a red lipstick; and those tiny waist highwated pants that made my mother’s figure resemble a guitar…. And I'm not even exaggerating. Experiencing all these things with my mother shaped who i am today. Without even knowing it, she inspired me in so many different ways.
I grew up, and at the age of 17 I was already on my second job. I was working at a company named Elizabeth Arden where learned a lot about personal care, makeup, and fashion. I was in love with that job. I realized then that i loved seeing women beautiful, happy and empowered. I loved seeing how the products we sold made their self esteem stronger. I enjoyed the work i was doing so much that i ended up being promoted to general manager and stayed there for six years while I was finishing my psychology degree.
I digress... In 2013 I found myself sharing on social media many of the things i thought were interesting to us women. Everything from fashion, beauty, DIY tips, etc. All of a sudden i started to receive messages from many of you encouraging me to start my own blog… i was wowed! So surprised. I was filled with happiness to know that i was inspiring so many of you.
My husband and best friend is a brilliant man. And i do not say this because he is my husband, but because he is extremely smart and creative. He works in the technology field. He is a website and smartphone applications developer as well as a logo/graphic designer, among other things. On a saturday afternoon, two and a half years ago, i remember vividly when he sat me down and said: “Elisamar, you have everything you need to make this happen. You not only have my support, but we literally have all the equipment you will need and i will help you!”. And I did have everything. I had cameras, lights, and any equipment I would need. Not to mentioned, having the help and backing of the most creative man in the world. To be honest i was very excited to realized that he really liked the idea of me starting my bolg. However, my oldest daughter Luna was only seven months old and she was my priority. I paused my plans of starting my blog. Soon after we were blessed with Camila. Most of my time was devoted to them and so i had less time for me and my goals at the time (if you are a mom, you can relate)...
This year something happened that changed my life. In August I received a very inspirational letter from one of you. This letter detailed the impact that my marriage, my daughters pictures and my daily outfit pictures had on you. After reading the letter i told myself: Elisamar it is time to create your own space. A space where you can be yourself and can express yourself via images and words. This is how Elisamar.com was born. I have to to say that this is really me. This project really reflects me and who i am. It is unique. It is genuine. With it I desire to inspire every woman to be happy, beautiful and independent; full of life and able to give herself and her family the best of the best. This is why i embarked on this adventure. I am truly enjoying myself and i hope you also enjoy everything i’m giving you.
Lastly, I want to thank you for all those messages filled with love you send me, they mean the world. Thank you for all the support, It means alot to know that what i share is important enough to drive you to my blog, my instagram page or any of my social media pages to see what my husband and I are creating for you with so much love.